find them is a tool that’s truly useful because it will help you locate all the sites that have called your attention at some point and that you want to visit again. This app is perfect for when you travel to a new city and you want to visit a specific point of interest that you’ve seen in one of your strolls.
Using find them is actually really simple and it’ll help you find what you need, 100% of the times. This app uses Google Maps to locate your position at all times and in real time, so the app can remember an exact location, as long as you’ve been there before.
To use find them just open the app when you’re in a place that you want to remember and save it; add a name so you don’t forget what it is and continue your journey. The best part about the app is that it can save all the locations that you want, without any restrictions. Whenever you want to come back to a specific location, just click on the option and find them will take you to that exact location.
You can use find them in a thousand different ways. From locating a certain point in the city that you’re visiting, to remembering where you’ve parked your car. You won’t ever get lost in any city with this app because you’ll record each location precisely.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 or higher required